Our Vision
We worked very hard for over a year to develop a program to help people
in recovery. This program was developed with the help of many professionals
from several different agencies with diverse backgrounds from addiction to
judicial to mental health, etc.. This program has been instrumental in
helping the guys at the Lighthouse develop a
longterm program that fits their needs and
situation to maintain a longterm and even
permanent life of sobriety. Our goal was to create a program that would serve a
wide variety of people, backgrounds and addictions, a program that could be
easily replicated in other environments and we think we have accomplished that because to date even
with a very small staff we have a had a success rate well above the national average.
Originally we only served about 25 participants at a time now we serve well over fifty across three locations.
Five years ago we expanded our services to our participants by offering a Graduate House service.
This Graduate House was for those who had graduated, had a desire to move on to the next step of
independent living but due to challenges this goal was prohibited by financial distress, bad
credit, judicial
challenges or other obstacles. We have been able to partner with two
different property owners to lease two
residential homes. This new service offering has been very successful for
our participants and for the property
owners alike.
Our Goals
Secure a permanent building. Currently we rent a 25 room house that serves our needs but we need
a place that we own.
We have partnered with Jeff Errett of The Architects’ Studio and Doug Shirack of Ranack General
Contractors to design an incredible state of the art Sober Living House. This building will be the
pinnacle of what a sober living home should be. Our list of partners and donors for this project is
continually growing and we invte you to join the list of supporters and donors.
Open a house for women, currently there are no sober living houses in Larimer County for women.
Our current model is not gender specific and should work just as well in an all female environment.
Ideally this house would be large enough for at least 10 women with possible room for expansion.
Open a graduate house for women. Just like the mens house but for women.
Open a Crisis house for participants in our other houses that suffer a minor relapse and need a safe
place with a higher level of accountability to recover before they can be allowed to re-enter the
program. This house would probably need to be able to support about 10 beds.
Start a campus where we will have a sober living house for men and another for women, a crisis
center, a counseling center, a vocational training center, multiple graduate houses, felon friendly
apartments, more, much, much more…this would become a community for recovery!
Ultimately, replicate this process in other cities and other countries…
709 Wagner Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80521
The Lighthouse is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.